Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing #22

I was specifically looking for art nings on the nings provided. I couldn't find any so I googled "art ning" and found them! Some are specifically for teachers and others are for artists wanting to show their art. I'm not ready to join a ning yet. I almost did but decided not to. One ning I found was Suzi Blu's. I saw her last night in the magazine, The Artful Blogger. She clearly has found her place on the web! A blog AND a ning! Wow! It really is a whole other world out there!

Thing #21

Here is my video. Right now, I am waiting for it to upload...hopefully it will! I enjoyed making this video even more when I figured out that I did not have to say anything...I could just download music. This would be great to use to showcase the artwork my kids do and I could show it anywhere! Also, it's a great thing to use for home videos and such. Great fun!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thing #20

I'm on youtube right now. I could watch these videos all day. I ended up on some crafting videos...I'm wondering if any of these videos will inspire some new art lessons for this year...most of these particular videos are of scrapbooking...something we don't do in school. Here is the link to my youtube video. I am looking forward to checking out teacher tube in a minute.

Here is a video from teacher tube. It is about Frida Kahlo. I think I like the website, Artsonia, better for my needs. It has many more visual examples of artwork ideas...

Okay...stick a fork in me. I have tried to embed several teacher tube videos and I constantly get an error message saying that the tag is not closed. I have also converted several you tube videos through zamzar but cannot find the actual link to embed after conversion. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thing #19

Right now, I am on visualcomplexity.com. The website is cool from a visual point of view. From what I can tell, people have created charts for various things. They are very colorful and interesting looking. I tried to get on colorblender but the pages were not completely downloading. Because I love cooking, I got on Im Cooked and have officially fallen in love with Joyce. This website allows you to create a film of yourself cooking/baking something and then upload it for all to see. Joyce rocks! I found Urbanspoon useful but it reminded me alot of citysearch. The websites I visited would be very useful to my personal life...not so much for school.

Real life wiki

Okay...Real life usage...I created a wiki for the food that my family is taking to our lake house this weekend...and I actually got them to add to it. It was great! :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thing #18

Google Docs is much easier for me to use. Looking at Open Office was very confusing. I had no clue what it was, really and how I was supposed to use it. Google Docs is easily understandable. There was a message right in the middle of the screen telling me what to do. Perfect! Lots of icons and pictures...remember, I'm a visual learner. Pictures = a good thing! Seems to me that you can share your documents with others for peer editing and/or input.

Thing #17

Here is my rollyo link...
I'm glad that I was able to watch the short video on rollyo. I am a visual learner and the tutorial was very helpful. After watching, I found using rollyo very user friendly. I think it would be a great asset to a classroom...I am easily distracted so for me as a student, rollyo would have been ideal!