Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing #12

Right now I am reading Cool Cat Teacher's blog. I'm glad that she mentions the fact that commenting on blogs leads readers to your blog. I've been wondering how anyone really finds your blog...and I 'm glad that she shows us how to add links. Quite frankly, though, I am overwhelmed with all of her information. I will need to stew over this for a while. ProBlogger was much easier for me to take in...well defined Top 10 List. It's nice to hear from an experienced blogger that there are in deed people out there who will leave nasty comments. I would assume that we will all have to deal with that at some point if we keep out blogging up.

1 comment:

VWB said...

I have been blogging for almost 3 years and have never received a nasty comment...I have received about 10 auto comments from people trying to build traffic and I simply delete those.

The topics of your posts will generate a matching community of readers...edubloggers want to learn, don't want to be confrontational so you should have positive comments or inquiries for more info!